2016年3月1日 星期二

[演講] 2016/03/15 (Tue) Purdue University教授演講公告

2016/03/15 (Tue) Purdue University教授演講

講者:Prof. Elias I. Franses & Prof. Nien-Hwa Linda Wang

演講時間:2016/3/15(二)10: 00~12:00


主持人: 廖英志教授

An Advanced review of the basic quantities and principles of thermodynamics
Prof. Elias I. Franses


Even though students and professionals in Chemical  Engineering and other disciplines have taken courses in thermodynamics, and have a good grasp of how to  apply  it  to various engineering applications, there is a need to  understand better some of the basic concepts, quantities, and principles. Moreover, because thermodynamics is often taught in an abstract way, students and professionals have not been sufficiently exposed to the experimental basis of these concepts and principles, and are less familiar with how the basic thermodynamics quantities are measured directly, or indirectly calculated from experimental data. Many chemical engineers find it difficult to explain what is the macroscopic physical and  engineering significance of several basic quantities such as enthalpy, the entropy, the Gibbs free energy, and the chemical potential, and how they are measured and used in engineering applications. They may also find it hard to explain why the internal energy is conserved but the entropy increases. In this talk, I will describe, explain, and justify the need of having eight basic principles or postulates of macroscopic thermodynamics. I will also describe briefly how each of the key quantities is measured from easily obtainable experimental data.

Chromatography and Simulated Moving Beds: Fundamental Advances and Applications
Prof. Nien-Hwa Linda Wang

Chromatography processes are highly versatile and selective separation techniques. They have been used for the analysis and purification of many chemicals and biochemicals in foods, fuels, wastes, and pharmaceuticals. In this presentation, I will explain the fundamental advances and applications of chromatography and a continuous process called simulated moving bed chromatography (SMB). The talk will focus on (1) a general method of designing affinity chromatography processes and its applications for the recovery of antibodies and the production of a medical isotope, and (2) the standing-wave design method (SWD) and applications in designing SMBs for the recovery of insulin from a ternary mixture.

2016/03/15 (Tue) Purdue University教授演講議程
報到  Registration
09:50~10: 00
(Room 223)
開幕致詞:廖英志 教授  Opening
講者:Prof. ELIAS I. FRANSES & Nien-Hwa Linda Wang
10: 00~10: 40
 (Room 223)
講題: An Advanced review of the basic quantities and principles of thermodynamics
10: 40~11:00
Q & A
(Room 223)
講題: Chromatography and Simulated Moving Beds: Fundamental Advances and Applications
講者:Prof. Nien-Hwa Linda Wang
11: 40~12:00
Q & A
午餐  Lunch 

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